Hackers Underworld 2: Forbidden Knowledge
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EFFector Online Volume 5 No. 3 3/5/1993 editors@eff.org
A Publication of the Electronic Frontier Foundation ISSN 1062-9424
321 lines
In this issue:
Representative Markey Speaks on Tech Policy
Announcement of Midwest Rural Datafication Meeting
EFF Funding
Coverage of Representative Markey's Speech to Computer
Execs on Technology Policy
In an article in the New York Times of Tuesday, February 23, 1993
entitled "Computer Makers Told To Get Involved in Rules" by Steve
Lohr, it was reported that Representative Edward J. Markey,
Democrat of Massachusetts and chairman of the House subcommittee
on telecommunications warned a gathering of computer industry
executives at a conference in Phoenix that their industry was "in
danger of losing out in the emerging but potentially enormous
business of providing computer services to American homes and
offices unless it became involved in the Federal standard-setting that
will occur this year." Markey emphasized that, given the Clinton
Administration's focus on technology policy, some critical steps will
certainly take place this year toward the establishment of "a so-
called data superhighway that will eventually reach every home in
the country."
Markey said, "Decisions will be made this year that will affect the
rest of your lives, and unless you participate, the rules will be cut in
a way that may not be to your advantage."
As the Times pointed out, "The regulated telephone industry is a
seasoned practitioner of shaping government rules, but most
computer and software companies are entrepreneurial upstarts that
have grown and thrived outside the reach of regulatory controls.
Traditionally, the industry rarely dealt with Washington."
Markey described the size of the potential market for services that a
national network could create and how the speed at which that
network will develop and which companies will benefit by it depend
largely on Federal and state regulations which will be on the Federal
table in the near future.
The Times then described ISDN as part of a plan promoted by some
in the computer industry "to insure that digital phone service is
available nationally at affordable rates" and as "a middle ground
between the current technology and the super-speed fully fiber-
optic network that is often discussed. But the fiber-optics data
highway, by most estimates, would not reach most households until
after 2010 and at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars.
"By contrast, the digital network could reach every office and house
in America in less than five years, estimates Mitchell Kapor,
president of the Electronic Frontier Foundation."
"A computer pioneer turned advocate, Mr. Kapor is pushing Federal
and state regulators to insure that the digital network is available,
standardized and affordable nationally."
The Times said that "Markey is preparing Federal legislation to push
the digital format later this year" and quoted him as saying, "ISDN. is
something that can be done now, and it will help unleash the next
wave of computer and software innovation, creating jobs and
Markey was further quoted as saying, "The Government should set
standards for openness and fund pilot projects, but it isn't going to
pay for the information highway. The money just won't be there."
Regional Group Activities:
Submitted by Ed Vielmetti in Ann Arbor:
Preliminary Program Announcement
Rural Datafication:
Achieving the goal of Ubiquitous Access to the Internet
May 14, 1993
Chicago, IL
A joint conference focused on extending the services of the Internet
to difficult-to-reach and typically under-served user communities.
Jointly sponsored by CICNet and the following state networks
Illinois: netILLINOIS
Indiana: INDnet
Iowa: IREN
Michigan: MichNet
Minnesota: MRNet
New York: NYSERNet
Pennsylvania: PREPnet
Wisconsin: WiscNet
Conference focus and theme:
CICNet is pleased to announce Rural Datafication as a major
cooperative initiative among nine networking organizations
committed to the creation of ubiquitous data networking services
throughout their region and, indeed, throughout the nation. As part
of this initiative, these organizations have agreed to co-sponsor a
conference which builds on an already successful collaboration
between CICNet and the above networks and which will focus on two
primary areas:
1. Ways to most effectively respond to user communities which
desire Internet services but which are currently unable to obtain
Internet access.
2. Ways to best enhance existing services to those populations which
which make use of non-dedicated connections: i.e., users whose
access to the Internet is via dial-up modem rather than high speed
dedicated lines. The focus includes users who use SLIP and PPP to
get direct connections to the Internet, and users who use Internet
facilities via dial-up terminal emulation.
Come, join, and assist us as we plan for increased access for such
communities. Examples include elementary and high schools, public
libraries, small businesses, organizations located in remote
geographic areas, and the rapidly evolving community of users who
need Internet access from their homes. Help us develop ideas for
new programs and services both useful and interesting. Meet other
people who are committed to expanding the network's usefulness.
Intended Audience:
We invite you to meet with us to share information and successes
you may have, to learn from the information and successes of others,
to talk with people interested in developing the potential of
networks, and to discuss ways to develop the rural datafication
theme as a major initiative focused on meeting the needs of the user
communities discussed throughout this announcement. This
conference is specifically intended for three key communities:
1. Providers of networked information, whether they be network
organizations or not, who are committed to assisting us as we
pursue our rural datafication strategy.
2. Users of networked information: teachers, researchers, librarians,
scientists, lawyers, bankers -- in short, those who are interested in
contributing to and gaining from the growing electronically-
connected community. We are particularly interested in attracting
users interested in the rural datafication concept.
3. Perhaps of most importance, potential users of networked
information who which to either learn about the network or
advise us on how best to construct a truly pervasive and
ubiquitous data network.
Agenda, dates and times:
Friday, May 14th:
Opening remarks begin at 9:15 am
Closing remarks will conclude at 4:30 PM
An optional early registration and opening Reception w